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  Our History

Transport Group Consultant (TGC) was founded in 1994 by ProfessorDr. Galal Mostafa Said.  In a short time,TGC became the go to firm for many national transportation projects such as therehabilitation of historic Cairo, Master Plan for the Egyptian RailroadNetwork, and the Salam Bridge over Suez Canal. TGC also worked on international projects such as the IntegratedPublic Transport System in the Hajj: Saudi Arabia. TGC activities were paused during the period from 2008 – 2012 whenProfessor Dr. Galal Said was appointed as Governor of Fayoum until April 2011,then Minister of Transportation in Egypt in the National Salvation Cabinet inthe period from December 2011 – August 2012. InSeptember 2012, TGC resumed its activities again with more strength andexpertise. In December 2012, Transport Group Consultant grew to becomeTransport and Environmental Group Consultant (TEGC) to include solutions toboth transportation and environmental projects.
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